Achieving longevity of control
requires colony elimination. We cannot expect to achieve quick and sustained
control with a repellent band spray around the exterior of a property.
Traditional treatments of repellent barriers are simply ineffective over a
period of time and invariably lead to call backs. Synthetic pyrethroids when
used on their own will kill ants on contact. Basic pyrethroid technology
however, will breakdown quickly due to UV degradation, allowing the ants to
re-enter, creating issues for homeowners or commercial customers.
contains micro encapsulation technology that allows the product to persist in
an exterior environment far longer than non-encapsulated technologies. Micro
encapsulation also reduces the amount of repellency compared to other synthetic
pyrethroids. The higher the repellency the less likely the ants are to come in
contact with the product and receive a lethal dose, meaning they will
invariably find a way around the treatment and re-enter the property, leading
to a call back. Synthetic pyrethroids are best used as a barrier treatment to
keep ants out of a property once the population has been controlled. This
preventative approach is idea] when ants are not active at the property.
Colony Control
strategies for ant populations are all about colony control. Ant gel baits such
as Advion and Optigard are routinely used for colony control treatments when
treating ants inside properties. This technique is now widely accepted as the
most efficient way to control ant colonies, Pest managers often have both gels
on board and can perform a simple taste test for the ant population to
determine the most preferable product and ensure fast uptake of the active
ingredients. In order to provide a higher level of control a non-repellent
spray can also be applied in and around baiting sites for large populations.
Arilon is a non-repellent product that ii registered for use both indoors and
outdoors reducing the need to remix the spray solution. Arilon is not only
non-repellent but exhibits delayed mortality, enabling the ants to share the
product with their nest mates increasing the chances of colony control. Colony
control is a numbers driven game: the larger the colony the more toxicant you
will need to control the colony. This is why a small placement of gel might sometimes
be enough to remove the problem whilst in other situations control will not be
achieved with the same amount of gel bait. The addition of Arilon assists this
process as you are applying more toxicant to the area enabling a greater amount
of transfer through the colony and a greater chance of colony control. The
treatment strategy to avoid a call back would involve:
Adequate amounts of gel bait placed around trails in conjunction with a
comprehensive indoor and outdoor spray of Arilon to ensure enough toxicant
enters the colony
A maintenance treatment, with a product like Demand that will provide a barrier
that excludes ants and other pests from entering the property. Ideally gel
baits should be the first treatment applied, so the pest manager can assess the
rates of consumption whilst on the job. It is not unusual for a large colony to
consume all the bait placed within an hour; if this does occur more bait should
be applied immediately as this indicates a large colony is present.
Specialised ant control range from Bayer
specialised ant control range features the outstanding residual spray Temprid,
arguably the most powerful ant treatment product available. The leading ant
bait, Maxforce Quantum, which is the ideal companion, enabling effective
control of sugar feeding ants in even the most sensitive areas, and the new ant
granule, Maxforce Complete, a food bait attractive to protein, fats and oil
feeding ants to give the pest managers everything they need to control these
difficult pests.

baiting technology such as Maxforce Quantum and Maxforce Complete to control
internal infestations and external areas adjacent to your barrier smashes ants
so hard they do not recover for many months," he said.

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