Termites are
among the most successful groups of insects on Earth, colonising most
landmasses except Antarctica. Their colonies range in size from a few hundred
individuals to enormous societies with several million individuals. Termite
queens have the longest lifespan of any insect in the world, with some queens
reportedly living up to 30 to 50 years. Unlike ants, which undergo a complete
metamorphosis, each individual termite goes through an incomplete metamorphosis
that proceeds through egg, nymph, and adult stages.
As early as
1934 suggestions were made that they were closely related to wood-eating
cockroaches (wood roach) based on the similarity of their symbiotic gut.
Most worker and
soldier termites are completely blind as they do not have a pair of eyes.
However, some species, such as Hodotermes mossambicus, have compound eyes which
they use for orientation and to distinguish sunlight from moonlight.
Africa has the
most species at 1000, Asia at 435, North America at 50, South America at 400,
Europe at 50, and Australia at 360.
Termites by
nature have a central colony nest containing a king and queen - soldiers escort
hundreds of thousands of workers as they tunnel through soil a 100 meter radius
of the nest and build mud-tube galleries over hard objects and between timber
joints to keep airtight conditions. Termites must return to the central colony
every few days to feed the colony including the queen, king, young nymphs, soldiers,
winged reproductive. Termidor or Premise termiticides are highly recommended
due to their deadly delayed effect. Termites traveling through treated soil
areas will collect and transport the chemical back to the central colony nest
to feed others therein. Highly effective to kill all the termites in a colony.
The termite treatment cost is around $2000 to $5000 for an average size home
depending on location, type of
construction, chemical used, and warranties applied.
If you find
live termites or termite damaged timbers DO NOT disturb the area. DO NOT use
spray can or insecticides on the termites. If sufficiently disturbed, the
termites are likely to move elsewhere, and may not be rediscovered until
further obvious damage has been done. Instead, call Proven Pest Control for a reliable and professional service straight to your door at a reasonably low price!

Serving New South Wales as a guaranteed, trustworthy business and will eliminate your pests of concern at an affordable cost.

Serving New South Wales as a guaranteed, trustworthy business and will eliminate your pests of concern at an affordable cost.
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